February 16, 2025

5W Public Relations: 5W PR Blog

Public Relations Insights from Top PR Firm 5W Public Relations

Ronn Torossian Explains How a Top PR Firm Gets You in the News

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One of the most common questions at 5WPR, a top NY PR firm gets from prospective clients is can we “guarantee” news coverage? The straight answer to that is, “it depends.” There are several reasons why an editor may find your story newsworthy. But, according to Ronn Torossian, the bottom line is to submit a press release that will be interesting to the publication’s readers. Here are a few ideas:

#1 – Are you hosting a free seminar or trade show?

Public services, even if part of the program is an advertisement for your business, can be a great way to get the word out about who you are and what you are up to. As an experienced PR firm in NYC, 5WPR and Ronn Torossian understands that having a genuine value to share with a specific target market provides a legitimate public service. This sort of thing
may be exactly what your local news editor is looking for to fill his or her column inches.

#2 – Awards make good news

Did you or someone in your organization receive an award from an unaffiliated organization? This could be a good business story for your local publication. But if your organization is actually giving an award, this can be even better. Scholarships, grants, donations – these are often newsworthy. Particularly, if the publication has a history of printing or
publishing these sorts of stories.

#3 – Starting a club or group?

If you are starting a business group, association or club, this could be newsworthy. The trick here is submitting to the right publications or section editors. For some, new social opportunities is what they use to fill their allotted space. For others, this would be of no interest at all. You need to do your homework, or hire a Top PR firm such as 5W Public Relations to do it for you.

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#4 – Releasing a book?

Public relations through book authorship is almost always worth some column inches, at least in the local press. You may want to schedule an author signing with a local bookstore and announce the signing as sponsored by the store. This adds credibility both to the book and to the release.

#5 – Schedule an expert workshop

PR firms in NYC understand the power of influence. Bringing in a recognized expert in your field can be an effective way to get good press. The event could get both pre-event press and follow up, giving you twice the impact for your PR effort. The expert should be a recognized name, at least in your field. Ronn Torossian recommends someone with enough of an established reputation with whom the assigned reporter will not have too much trouble finding enough to write about. Any or all of these ideas could turn into a solid public relations effort.

Read more from Ronn Torossian:

Ronn Torossian on Forbes
Ronn Torossian on SoundCloud
Ronn Torossian on LinkedIn
Ronn Torossian’s Professional Profile on Muck Rack
Ronn Torossian on Business Insider