February 16, 2025

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4 Smart PR Campaigns for Eyeglasses and Related Companies

eyeglass marketing

Eyeglasses come in all shapes, sizes, and purposes. Whether you want to look cool, soothe your eyes or see more clearly, knowing your plan makes the PR campaign focused to your goals.

Here are a few marketing eyewear campaigns that have done well:

Sarah Palin Glasses

Sarah Palin Glasses

This was not so much a specific company, but a number of eyewear companies jumping on a bandwagon. During the 2008 Presidential campaign the country was introduced to Sarah Palin and even though there was a lot about Palin that was interesting as a VP candidate, one of the first things catching fire with the public were her glasses. The look was nearly rimless, and people loved the glasses, wanting to know how to get a pair for themselves. This one was all about jumping on board quickly and riding the wave rather than creating a campaign that might go viral. It was the viral wave and getting a campaign out there quickly to take advantage of the windfall.

See Clearly America

In 2013, the American Optometric Association (AOA) started this campaign to educate the public about how local Optometrists have all the knowledge needed to get people a great pair of glasses perfect for their eyesight needs. This campaign was not run by an eyeglass company but was beneficial to Optometrists and eyewear makers alike. And since many Optometrists, especially in smaller communities, are also the place where clients buy their glasses, the campaign worked double-duty for many providers.


At the beginning of 2014, a Toronto company offered a free PR campaign that could be used by eye care professionals. The campaign was specifically targeted to families and children covered under the new Affordable Healthcare Act. 2014 was the Year of the Child and also the first full-year when the Affordable Healthcare Act was functioning and had been able to work out some of the kinks from 2013.

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Essilor – Eyezen

Here’s one to keep your eye on. The campaign is all about a new type of eyeglass being marketed to millennials. Eyezen glasses have been developed for the purpose of eliminating the eye strain from looking at all the screens – smartphones, tablets, desktops. These glasses guard against the blue-light from these screens that can be harmful to your eyes.

Marketing campaigns for optometrists, benefits of coverage, a political candidate’s eyewear choices, or a way to protect customers from the attack of the evil blue light are great. Finding a campaign that works for your product is possible when you remember what you offer and your target audience.

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