When it comes to running a successful PR campaign for companies selling products to children and tweens, it is important to remember a few key ideas. We’ve come up with three ideas that are very important as you create and present your PR campaign to customers.
- Remember Mom. Sure you’re advertising may be targeted to children just as much as it is toward the person forking over the money to buy your product. But when it comes to PR, it’s mom you want to target. Approximately 60% of mothers say when it comes to purchasing products for their children they have seen positive comments online or in articles about it. That doesn’t mean they’ve seen a number of advertisements, but they have seen non-paid for comments from a third party.
Generally until children are in their tweens or teens, they will not be making purchases without a parent or other responsible party standing close. And even if somehow a child were to buy a product that Mom feels is unsafe, unwise, or in any other way unacceptable, it will be returned.
- Remember PR is not advertising. Your advertising campaign may be more strongly targeting children, so they start asking for the product. But PR is not advertising, it is getting the word out to third party sources about your product and what it can do for children. If your product has educational value or creates a more safe environment, those factors should be strongly emphasized in your PR campaign.
But also, remember in your advertising campaign, if you are doing it on social media – unless you are advertising to tweens and teens, even here you need to focus your advertising on the parents. That is because, in general, most parents do not allow their children to be on social media until they are at least 12 or 13. So running ads for 6-year olds on social media won’t fit the audience seeing them.
- Remember quality and safety. Because adults are the people who will be paying for your products, make sure your products will stand the test of time and all the wear and tear a child can put on a well-loved toy.
If you keep these in mind as you develop your PR campaign, you should have great results. In fact, if you keep these in mind while you are developing your product, it will make the PR a breeze.
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