Having an effective marketing plan is key to making a brand into a success....
Many college PR and communications degrees have started to de-emphasize upper-level writing skills in...
Before building a brand, understand what it really is. It includes many things like...
Officially stars or diamonds for hotels and restaurant ratings come from only a handful...
Effective PR on social media is a moving target. As consumers spend more time...
For subject matter experts (SME) there are many opportunities to get positive PR for...
As with any aspect of business, when you conduct certain activities often determines the...
Public relations is one of the most dynamic and flexible careers for the young...
If you go looking for descriptive words that work when talking about Chris Burch,...
Retail is one of the most competitive industries in the business world because it...
Millennials have recently overtaken baby boomers in pet ownership, creating a whole new approach...
Without ever getting into YouTube, you can do short videos on several social media...
Facebook has added live streaming as an option making it easier and cheaper to...
China is the world’s second largest economy, and their middle class is growing by...
In the past, brands looked to celebrities to boost their image through appearances in...
One of the hottest topics on digital marketing blogs is the death of traditional...
Paramount Studios is facing a lawsuit for, get this, not having enough product placement...
From a PR perspective, one of the most interesting NFL teams to watch in...
Leaving reputation to chance is how many public figures, organizations, and corporations land in...
Remember when Riddell and Nike and Reebok ran the sports world? If you played...