Movies are great fun, whether you’re going on a date, hanging out with friends,...
When a new company plans a move into a new area, state or region,...
I maintain several websites and content-rich blog sites in order to promote my business...
Hitting the right mark between competent and experienced and overworked and desperate can be...
When you are a brand new business, there is no cookie-cutter approach to public...
Markets are crowded. No matter what you do, there will be competition vying for...
When a company goes all out to introduce a new product to an established...
I have asked before if social media is like taking a nap, going to...
It may seem funny to start a blog piece about Vine with talking about...
Donors are choosing to make online donations over other types of giving. So says...
I can neither confirm nor deny the following story. Some have sworn it happened....
At 5WPR, we are committed to doing “traditional” PR better than our competition. After...
Many economic prognosticators suggest the economic downturn has hit bottom. Among the indicators pointed...
Recently, American consumers were rocked by information that Verizon Wireless has been turning over...
Watch out for the often-strange co-mingling of business and personal. The buzz around Facebook,...
Big Promise, no Delivery. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a...
CNN reported that in early June 2013, AirAsia X flights to China, Taiwan, Japan,...
I’m a New Yorker. I absolutely love it, and won’t let anyone else tell...
As CEO of a fashion PR firm, I have been part of many discussions...
Ronn Torossian is the CEO of New York Public Relations Firm, 5WPR. He is...