Ten years ago, a pipeline exploded, causing a massive fire that devastated the suburban...
In The News
5W Public Relations – 5WPR on items in the news. Led by CEO Ronn Torossian, The PR Agency works in all aspects of Public Relations including crisis PR, consumer PR, beauty PR, digital PR, healthcare PR, travel publicity and other areas.
There’s a popular meme going around that asks the rhetorical question, “Why is it...
That’s the label Spotify, a global music streaming and subscription service, placed on Millennials...
Until 1996, anyone searching for content on the internet would not have been surprised...
“Once More, With Feeling” is a well-worn phrase and the title of several movies,...
The term “native advertising” is a common term within marketing language, but the implementation...
More than ever before, brands are turning to newer or formerly “untraditional” platforms on...
November will mark five years since the country was rocked by a story that...
“Remember. Only you can prevent forest fires.” “Semper fi!” Sound familiar? You likely have...
So often, we read about crises in the news that inevitably occur when a...
A visit with our grandparents often results in discussions of “the good ‘ole days.” ...
Advertising on social media has always been a bit of a creative challenge for...
Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has evolved from an online photo-sharing app into...
Instagram has changed the face of marketing for good. Since its inception as the...
Authenticity. Believe it or not, this is a trait that many marketing professionals seem...
Hurricane Michael carved a path of horror and destruction from Florida’s “Emerald Coast” and...
Sometimes in marketing, timing is everything. Other times, it’s about finding a niche need...
Samsonite International shares fell drastically at the end of May this year after a...
When sales are not what they once were or what they are expected to...
Many brands have talked about social change, but very few of them built their...