February 22, 2025

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Public Relations Insights from Top PR Firm 5W Public Relations

Consumer web developers thrive with the right Technology PR firm

Ronn Torossian Technology PRAs consumer products continue to trend more toward high tech digital interfaces, technology PR firms are increasingly tasked with making the most advanced technologies appear point and click simple to use. A prime example of both this trend and this need is the completely customizable, consumer “designed” website. For a project like this you need corporate PR that speaks the “language of the people.” In this case, it’s web development that communicates a robust interface with drag and drop simplicity that won’t feel intimidating to the target audience.

WordPress has long been the king of the consumer-built website market. A simple interface with an endless supply of simple, plug and play templates has attracted tens of millions of bloggers, businesses and individuals…even corporate PR companies…to this platform. Still, a graduated level of web savvy and code know-how is needed to harness and apply some of the more advanced protocols, widgets and functions offered by WordPress’ myriad of open source developers. In short, there comes a point when working with WordPress, that many users hit a wall. They simply do not have the ability to accomplish what they want by themselves. To address this, most hire freelance developers or contract designers to fill in the gaps in their knowledge.

How Technology PR firms Making it Easier for Consumers

But recently, another option has taken the consumer web development market by storm. Heralded by Squarespace and Wix, new, “make it look however you want” websites are becoming all the rage. One of these companies has taken to social media to get the word out and, in doing so, its technology PR firm hit a home run. Social media users are, for the most part, fairly web savvy and the idea of a product with “no rules,” as this particular platform is marketed, becomes very appealing. It is a fact that technology understanding should exist and How to become a PR technologist covered that. Corporate PR for consumer products of this kind, when properly executed, can move potential customers past the “confused and afraid” stage without them evening knowing it, earning buy-in that keeps customers motivated even when the sledding gets tough.

More PR Insights  User-submitted videos create continuous buzz

Read more from Ronn Torossian:

Ronn Torossian on Forbes
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Ronn Torossian’s Professional Profile on Muck Rack
Ronn Torossian on Business Insider