It may seem trivial, but the look, feel, and tone of a brand’s online platforms can often make or break the first impression a potential customer gets. Paying attention to details, even small ones such as grammar or punctuation or the right look on a photo can give a brand a credibility boost when it comes to attracting new business.
Why does this matter so much? First and foremost, it’s important to be professional in all dealings with customers or users. There is never a second chance at a first impression — it may be a popular cliche, but it’s also true!
Let’s work through some of the most simple ways to carefully craft the right tone and message on each platform a brand operates. Alienating customers will never work in a brand’s favor, so this is a crucial step to get right.
Starting with one of the first steps of the customer lifecycle, ads, let’s break down some best practices for maximizing results.
First, it’s important to strike the right tone in any and all copy that is put out representing the brand. Tone can either lure customers in or push them away, so it’s a good idea to take the time to craft the right message here. This is also an area in which A/B testing comes in handy, as different ad headlines, copy, and calls to action can be tested to find out if anything entices conversions at a higher rate.
And make sure that every piece of copy is properly edited for grammar and tone. Nothing is worse than putting a misspelled ad out into the world without anyone catching it. In addition, poor grammar or a lack of fluent grammar can also turn consumers off. Users aren’t likely to be attracted to ads that seem “scammy”, and poor grammar can often give off this impression.
Another seemingly small issue that needs attention is the look of any images or graphics that the business uses.
For example, stock imagery is often popular to use on a business website or on social media in the absence of proprietary photos. While this is a perfectly acceptable practice, make sure not to unintentionally create a “fake” looking website or profile. Stock images are a great resource, but overuse of them or using the wrong image can set the wrong tone for customers visiting the page.
In addition, particularly on social media platforms such as Instagram, aesthetic is another important element to monitor. A business Instagram page should have a flow or an overall “look” or theme. The feed should not contain a random smattering of unrelated images. Remember: this is all branding, just in different forms! What sort of image do you want your business to project?
Achieving a cohesive aesthetic isn’t as complicated as it sounds. Planning ahead comes in handy in this situation, as marketing or social media managers can identify content opportunities ahead of time and set aside time to source and edit any media that may need to go along with the schedule.
Simple editing tools such as Adobe Lightroom or Canva can go a long way with editing photos and creating visually appealing graphics that communicate the right tone and branding for the business. With just a small investment of time and creativity, achieving the right look and feel for a business and its online presence can be a rewarding process that builds revenue as well as customer loyalty.
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Ronn Torossian’s Blog Posts on Times of Israel
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