October 19, 2024

5W Public Relations: 5W PR Blog

Public Relations Insights from Top PR Firm 5W Public Relations

Microsites as Marketing Tactics

A microsite is normally a single webpage or brand-specific website that companies use to promote their individual campaigns, products or events. Microsites include features and functionalities appropriate for targeting searchers.

Microsites are highly focused, and provide minimal distractions and just enough information to get visitors excited. Microsites have grown into powerful marketing tools. Given below are some of the benefits of having a microsite.

Introducing New Products

An-easy-to-navigate microsite gives customers the product information they need to make a purchasing decision. By using microsites as a platform, companies can build new campaigns for unique products.

They do not have to rely on too many connections with their parent brand straight away.

If the product campaign turns out to be a success, then it is easy to connect people to the main website with CTA links. However, if the new product does not gain popularity, the entire microsite can be removed without making much of an impact.

The SEO Benefit

Each microsite has a unique address that one can easily remember. This helps people find products and services faster.

A microsite can also include an assortment of keyword-rich domain names that are valued by google and other search engines. If a microsite is hosted under a brand’s own URL.

This can lead to measurable SEO benefits.

Increases Brand Engagement

Microsites are tools for generating engagement with a brand. With the help of a microsite, a company can explore whether its products or services appeal to a different vertical without lessening the trust or the existing authority the company has built for its parent brand.

For instance, Chanel’s Inside Chanel is an informational site dedicated to educating visitors about the fashion industry and Chanel’s position within it.

It has an archive of videos, and it does a great job of highlighting the company’s growth and successes.

Cost Effective

Whether it’s a Shopify microsite or a WordPress microsite, a business can build a miniature website without spending a fortune. There is less content and a limited number of pages. It also takes comparatively less time to create one. A microsite is faster to launch than large multi page websites. They are easier to maintain. As far as expenses are concerned, their cost-effectiveness can be explained if they are compared to houses. It is always cheaper to build a standalone shed than building an addition to a house.

Increased Public Interest

Microsites allow businesses to focus solely on what users want. Specific users are directed to specific sites that are built for their specific needs. For instance, mobile banking users normally do not require access to legal documents about trademarks and subsidiaries. They just need to be able to log in and check their balance. As microsites emphasize the specific needs of users, they create a much more positive user experience.


Most microsites showcase a company’s expertise with a particular product or service. Using a microsite to educate potential customers can position a brand as an expert in its field. Positioning a brand as having specialised knowledge not only establishes it as being credible but also delivers value. For instance Red Bull’s Red Bulletin is a specialized blog that positions the brand as fun and adventurous.

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Ronn Torossian’s Articles on Entrepreneur
Ronn Torossian’s Blog Posts on Times of Israel
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