October 19, 2024

5W Public Relations: 5W PR Blog

Public Relations Insights from Top PR Firm 5W Public Relations

Entrepreneurs Utilizing Social Media

Entrepreneur social media

No matter how long a company has existed or how many things a person has studied, there are always new ideas and new perspectives to help hone a specific message or ensure a successful marketing campaign. The media landscape is changing quicker than ever, with social media platforms taking over as the rising source of consumed media. A smart entrepreneur will be open to learning about new apps and websites keeping up-to-date with advancements in areas that might assist in achieving the company’s goals. Being open-minded is a key factor in success; sometimes the right choice for the company is not so obvious.

If a company provides a product that can be delivered, a good entrepreneur or CEO could look into rideshare companies and delivery companies to find out what services are offered. Some of these have branched out into delivering all kinds of merchandise, for a price of course. If the company can offer a specific item at times when competitors are closed, or be able to deliver a product not typically deliverable, even if the cost of delivery is high, the customer might be persuaded to buy. This could create a loyal customer base that can return at other times and refer friends which can be truly instrumental in increasing sales over the long term.

If the company provides a service, see if creating a mobile unit is a viable option and if it would impact a large enough audience to offset the initial cost. Improved location services and flash sales on unique products in atypical areas might be the key to changing a company’s course. There are many variables to keep in mind though keeping them all open helps find the right path to success.

Use Twitter and Instagram to follow other companies in the industry and to keep up with customer trends. Don’t limit it to this, however. Find journalists in the area or industry magazines and follow them long enough to get to know them and stay updated on stories they put together. Sometimes they will reach out for experts in certain things or be writing a feature on the very thing the company specializes in producing.

To use social media effectively, think about ways of utilizing trending topics to the company’s advantage at no cost. For example, if it’s National Small Business Month, a company could use the opportunity to share the story by sharing a link to the webpage on Twitter or seeing if any local news stations are looking to feature any small businesses for a story, perhaps on their own social media outlet.

Know the audience that uses the main forms of social media as well. Facebook has an older audience who is willing to read longer posts, watch longer videos, and click through on links to outside websites. Instagram is all about the visual element being extremely appealing and simple. If this graphic can connect with the consumer, it can result in site visits and sales. Snapchat is the newcomer and the stories feature is what makes this app appealing. Taking a few seconds of video at a time, creating a story over time can be fascinating if done well. It can be worth the investment to hire an expert in social media public relations to ensure the company’s message is being heard by the audiences in ways that resonant and move consumers to purchase the product or service.

5WPR was founded by Ronn Torossian. 5W PR is a leading NY PR Agency.

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Ronn Torossian’s Articles on Entrepreneur
Ronn Torossian’s Blog Posts on Times of Israel
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