October 19, 2024

5W Public Relations: 5W PR Blog

Public Relations Insights from Top PR Firm 5W Public Relations

An Attention Grabbing Headline is Essential for your Blog

attention grabbing headline

You’ve invested time developing a blog post topic, eloquently drafting and editing the content, compiling pictures, video and graphics, so now it’s time to slap on a header and upload your masterpiece. Wrong! Blogging 101 will tell you this is absolutely unacceptable. Your company’s posts won’t get a single view if they’re capped with a lackluster header that is merely descriptive of the article’s content. If your blog doesn’t attract attention, you can bet your company’s website won’t be getting any action either.

Any article or blog entry header needs to demand the attention of a reader in order for them to click. It’s the first thing that grabs their eye, even before they review your fascinating intro, captivating pictures or entrancing video. If you’ve spent time creating an amazing piece to enthrall your audience, you certainly ought to make sure they see it. Your brand depends on traffic, and creation of an extraordinary title will drive it.

Publicity, whether good or bad, runs rampant in online media channels because it captivates the attention of its audience. As part of an aggressive reputation management campaign, it’s the job of 5WPR to grasp this attention and control it away from negative chatter and towards positive media treatment. Mesmerizing headers that surpass those of the bad press stories have been successful in turning interest in the right direction.

The point of creating attention grabbing headers for your business is really no different than handling PR for celebrities. At 5WPR, we’ve seen an array of media horrors triggered by a star’s crazy night out on the town or insensitive comments. Like your company, these celebrities rely on their reputation to maintain their brand and turn a profit. Damaging discourse saturating the online distribution channels can destroy your status and taint your image. Our success at 5WPR is the result of reliable crisis management, and manipulating online chatter towards a more positive view of these Hollywood icons. That task begins with an appealing header.

So the next time you’ve developed a tour de force blog entry, invest some brainstorming time on the title. I’m not talking about taking a mediocre header and putting exclamation points in strategic spots. Fancy or overly formal words are likewise useless to you when trying to attract attention. The point is to produce a phrase that gives the reader no choice but to click. It needs to be insistent, exciting and profound. Even something elusive can encourage your intended audience to have a look. Nothing is more attractive than exploring the unknown, so mysterious titles can draw in users.

Your company’s message is important to your brand, so it’s essential that the right people receive it. Hopefully, your business doesn’t have to handle negative online chatter as often as 5WPR’s celebrity clients. But if you do find yourself in crisis management mode over your reputation, these tips on creating an attention grabbing header for your blog should help you turn things around.

For more strategies from a world class PR & digital marketing agency, reach out to 5WPR.

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