March 14, 2025

5W Public Relations: 5W PR Blog

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Social Media Strategy: Marketing on Twitter

In the race to keep up, marketers sometimes ignore the principles that make great advertising in any medium. It is important to focus on the message substance and the consumer.

With innovation happening at a dizzying pace, it is important for a brand to remain noticeable on high-tech platforms . To engage with customers, connections also need to happen in real time.

Consumers should be fed pertinent news as they go about their day. Brands need to connect and not confuse.


There is no limit to creative expression. It is important to be stylistically distinct to be memorable. To forge a long-term relationship between brands and consumers, brands have to remain true to themselves. For example, Oreo uses its page to let its customers know when it is releasing new flavors. On Valentine’s day, it introduced a new flavor as a love letter to humanity. It released a themed cookie and got customers excited online. The visual aspect was appealing and the content was ‘snackable’.

Use Influencers

Influencers shape the decisions of consumers to a great extent. Paul Tan’s website is regarded as a trusted source for automotive news on Twitter. Twitter is a great platform to demonstrate the expertise of influencers. To decide on an influencer, the contextual fit is an important factor. One should be careful about who to reach out to. Follower Wonk is a tool which allows people to search for influencers. Twitter influencers can be found by location.

Build a Community

To avoid disjointed messaging, it would be helpful to have communities on Twitter. Communities go beyond eliciting active responses only, since twitter  is a platform where consumers opt into communities. The first step would be to follow people who are relevant to a business, and then to stay connected with them by liking and retweeting their tweets. It would be helpful to use Twitter lists. Twitter lists will contain the top thought leaders, influencers, and industry experts.

Interactive Platform for Customers

In most people the impulse for self-display is very strong. Providing an interactive platform to customers where they can display their talents is an effective marketing strategy. The brand idea of Pedigree, a pet food brand, is simple: ‘ Dogs rule’. The Australian affiliate of the brand introduced an engagement platform so that animal lovers could promote adoption of stray dogs. This is an example of an informed marketing decision.

Running Contests

There are more choices and more channels than ever before,hence a brand has more opportunities to connect with customers. A recurrent contest is a good idea to engage followers. With recurrent contests, followers who didn’t win before will have another chance to participate in yet another contest. Sephora rus a weekly giveaway called #MarcMondays. This is an example of a great tool to drive engagement.


Tweets with videos have ten times more engagement than tweets without. When videos are interactive or feature people using a product, they attract 40% more engagement. Since most users watch videos via mobile, the content should be mobile-friendly. The perfect duration would be 6 to 15 seconds.

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