March 9, 2025

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10 Top Beauty Influencers

Michelle Phan Influencer

Michelle Phan Influencer recently posted their list of top 10 beauty influencers. We agree with every one of their choices, but also offer you additional information on these 10 and at the end offer a list of another 15 beauty influencers of interest…

Zoe Sugg is 27, lives in the UK, and posts under the name zoella. She has developed her own beauty products that are top sellers both online and from a chain store in Britain, Superdrug. Zoe Sugg has also written the book ‘Girl Online’ talking about her experience building her influencer and blogging status. There are two more books in the works. Followers: Instagram – 11.1m, Facebook – 2.6m, Twitter – 9.72m.

Michelle Phan is also an entrepreneur as the cofounder of Ipsy a subscription cosmetics box. In 2015 the company was valued at $500m. There are rumors that she will also be relaunching Em Cosmetics. With more than 1 billion views of her beauty videos, she’s always a star. She’s on Instagram at michellephan. Followers: Instagram – 2.2m, Facebook – 3.17m, Twitter – 26.6K.

Huda Kattan lives in Dubai and works with her two sisters. They have a makeup line sold in Sephora stores and false lashes that are sold in vending machines … Kim Kardashian swears by them. hudabeauty is her Instagram gallery. Followers: Instagram – 21m, Facebook – 1.35m, and Twitter – 96.5K.

Nikkie de Jager comes from Holland and started as a makeup artist working with Ofra on the collaborative professional makeup line with a highlighter palette and liquid lipsticks. She also has formed a partnership with Too Faced. Nikkietutorials is still very much building her influencer status. Followers: Instagram – 8m, Facebook – 1m, and Twitter – 693K.

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Shannon Harris comes from the land down under … or at least it’s neighbor, New Zealand and has been building her power base since 2009 as shaaanxo. She’s worked with various beauty brands including Smashbox Cosmetics, Clinique, and xoBeauty. She has nearly 3 million subscribers on YouTube. Followers: Instagram – 1.5m, Facebook – 3.8m, and Twitter – 364k.

Jeffree Star is a makeup artist and recently started working with Maybelline’s new male makeup model Manny Gutierrez (also on this list). His YouTube channel has more than 4m subscribers, and jeffreestar’s cruelty-free cosmetics line includes a popular group of liquid lipsticks. Followers: Instagram – 5m, Facebook – 2.5m, and Twitter – 1.1m.

Kandee Johnson began her social media efforts in 2008 with a blog/vlog. kandeejohnson is also a 39-year-old makeup artist with a nail polish collection called Sinful Colors that can be found easily at locations including Walmart and Walgreens. Followers: Instagram – 1.6m, Facebook – 962K, and Twitter – 503K.

Manny Gutierrez is 26 and comes from San Diego California. Mannymua is not only a makeup artist, but he’s also a brand ambassador for Maybelline. But he’s partnered with other beauty brands as well. His Instagram pics show his amazing ability with makeup, combines with a bit of stubble. It’s an interesting combination. Followers: Instagram – 3.9m, Facebook – 587k, and Twitter – 792k.

Christen Dominique represents brands such as Urban Decay, Sephora, and L’Oreal. She transitioned from being a mom, full-time student, and fully employed back in 2009 to her present incarnation. Christendominique  Followers: Instagram – 1.2m, Facebook – 647k, and Twitter – 380k.

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Wayne Goss is a 39-year-old makeup artist and lives in Newport UK. Gossmakeupartist created and sells a makeup brush line of products through Beautyfish in the US, as well as works with a number of high-end makeup and skin care brands. He has 3m YouTube subscribers with nearly 400m views. Followers: Instagram – 574k, Facebook – 442k, and Twitter – 131k

Additional beauty influencers on social media to remember are @Chrisspy, @Amrezy, @Marianna_Hewitt, @Vegas_Nay, @Iluvsarahii, @Makeupshayla,
@Ssssamanthaa, @Maryamnyc, @Styledbyhrush, @Jamescharles,@Ellarie, @Mac_Daddyy,
@Thegabrielzamora, @Viva_Glam_Kay, @Itsisabelbedoya/

5WPR works extensively in the beauty arena – and with influencers of all sorts.

Ronn Torossian is the Founder and CEO of the New York based public relations firm 5WPR: one of the 20 largest PR Firms in the United States.

ronn_torossian 5WPR

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